Requesting Evidence of Insurance from Our Agency

Dear Homeowners Association Members,

If your financial institution requires evidence of insurance, please follow the simple steps below to ensure your request is processed efficiently:

  1. Prepare Your Request:

    • Ensure that you have the necessary details, including the specific insurance evidence needed.
    • Have your mortgagee/loss payee information ready.
  2. Email Your Request:

    • Send an email to with the following information:
      • Subject Line: "Evidence of Insurance Request - Antilles HOA"
      • Body of the Email:
        • Clearly state the purpose of your request.
        • Provide the mortgagee/loss payee information in detail.
  3. Await Confirmation:

    • Once your email is received, our team will process your request.
    • You will receive a confirmation email with the evidence of insurance attached or further instructions if additional information is needed.

Important Notes:

Thank you for your cooperation.

Customer Service Team

Message from HOA Insurance Agency

As an insurance agent, it's crucial for us to maintain control over the distribution of Certificate of Insurance (COI) documents for several reasons. One of the main responsibilities we have is ensuring that the certificate holders are properly notified in case of any changes to the policy, such as cancellations.

If we were to lose control over who receives these certificates or if third parties distributed them without our oversight, we could no longer ensure accurate communication with the certificate holders. In the event of a cancellation or lapse in coverage, we are required by contract to notify each certificate holder promptly. If we don’t know who has received the certificates, we risk missing key parties, which can lead to significant legal and financial consequences for all involved.

By keeping control of the certificates, we can track who has them and ensure timely notifications, protecting both the insured and the certificate holders from potential liabilities.

Please see attached COI example. Above the Additional Interest section, read the "Cancellation" section.